Please register your interest here:

Your Practice

We encourage you to have a Yoga Practice for at least 12 months. This means a regular and balanced practice across all types of classes offered by The Light Practice including Yin, Flow, Sound. We understand this is not always the case, so please don’t let this deter you from sending us an expression of interest.

Your Immersion at The Light Practice

This TT will immerse you in many different modalities and styles of teaching not taught elsewhere. If you’re local to Melbourne, you must attend Prue’s Vinyasa classes to experience her leading and holding space style. Once you are confirmed to take part, it is also highly beneficial that you attend Elisa’s Somatic Experiencing, prior to TT.

Your Learning

This will be a deeply immersive, experience that can be unravelling at times for your inner world. We do require you to consider the following to ensure your journey is wonderfully nourishing and supportive; Are you physically healthy? Do you have a support network of family or friends? Do you have time to commit to pre-work reading, classes, and contact time? Will you have time to dedicate to recovering and integrating throughout the training?

We can’t wait to hear from you!