

Vinyasa Flow

A balance of strength and mobility-based movements that are linked together seamlessly. Accompanied by layers of breathwork, philosophy, and modifications.

Restorative Yin

Intelligent and therapeutic use of props such as bolsters, blocks, blankets, and straps facilitates full body and mind relaxation. Mostly floor-based postures that are held for 1—3 minutes, allowing time to breathe, feel, unwind, and stretch.

Feminine Emotional Embodiment

This class is designed for you to connect to your feminine, grace, power, and strength. It includes elements of movement, breath work, Tantric meditation, and some trauma-release work. Learn how to be more embodied, at peace, and present in your day-to-day lives.

Sound and Breathwork

This class will introduce you to a combination of pranayama (breath) and relaxation techniques to harmonise the mind and body and release stagnant energy. Sound is incorporated through a range of instruments, such as crystal bowls.

Somatic Experiencing

This class is focused on the nervous system. It is a blend of theory and very subtle movement aimed at settling and supporting your nervous system and emotional body. This class very directly translates to real-world, off-the-yoga mat experiences. You’ll learn tools and methods that you can use anytime. 

Friday Night Lights

Our signature experience runs on Friday nights. Each Friday Night Light is curated differently to the next, with an ongoing focus of offering a community-style class anchored with candles, sounds, unique teachings, and special guests.
Members FREE. Non-Members $30.

Learn more about our Class Styles

Please Note

WE BEGIN ON TIME Please arrive 5-10 minutes before class to get settled and relaxed.

PARKING Free parking is available on surrounding streets; please leave enough time for parking.

LATE CANCELLATIONS: We ask that you please provide 4 hours notice if you would like to remove yourself from the class; this helps us provide a better experience for all our students and manage class numbers

BEGINNERS ARE WELCOME: All our classes are suitable for all levels of experience; if you have injuries or are a beginner, just let our teachers know so they can take extra care of you.

Can’t join us in person?
Make A Home Practice Your Reality

Through our ONLINE class portal, immerse in a beautiful blend of practices and rituals from the comfort of your home.


How do I book?

Please download ‘The Light Practice’ or ‘MindBody’ app to view and book our schedule.

We accommodate walk-ins when we can; however, many of our classes can be pre-booked at full capacity, so please book in advance to avoid disappointment.